martedì 5 marzo 2013

Peter Thomas Senese and I CARE Foundation - Protecting Children

As a group of child abduction prevention advocates working together since 2010, key individuals who make up the I CARE Foundation's board of directors have worked extensively to help children and families in crisis targeted for abduction.

The I CARE Foundation officially commenced our operations in 2011 as a non-profit organization. During our first year of formal operations, reported cases of international parental child abduction from the U.S. during 2011 declined by 15% that year (the first time in history the international child abduction rate declined). The I CARE Foundation expanded our operations in 2012: reported cases of international parental child abduction declined for the second consecutive year by 15%.  During the early part of 2013, the I CARE Foundation has played major roles in reuniting children abducted and trafficked, while helping at-risk parents stop the kidnapping of their targeted children.

Read more about the I CARE Foundation and our activity fighting to protect children at risk of kidnapping.

On behalf of the I CARE Foundation, I am pleased to share my quarterly report on the foundation's accomplishments, activities, and plans for the future.Though there remains a great deal of challenges, particularly with existing international parental child abduction cases, the tide is turning toward preventing future cases of abduction.

Please read the report.

Kind regards to all,

Peter Thomas Senese