giovedì 4 aprile 2013

Acting In Kindness - Continued Testimonials About Peter Thomas Senese's Good Citizenship

Acting in kindness is rather easy if you live in Uhuru - to know and embrace freedom by living unbowed to and within your morals, values, and ethics.

In my own beliefs, I understand the importance of being unbowed to child abductors and traffickers. For those of you who understand this world - you know of its darkness and the danger placed on children.

Tragically, international parental child abduction remains a severe issue around the world. Protecting children from abduction is such an important issue.

Over the years, it has been my pleasure to assist many other parents protect their children from having their children kidnapped.

Every once in a while I have shared a letter written by one of these parents to give insight on the world of abduction as well as to share a humble lesson that we can all make a difference in the lives of others.

Today I would like to share with you one of these letters written by a parent I have deep respect for and who I am proud to call friend.

Click Here To Read The Sworn Letter Concerning The I CARE Foundation

Most of all, I would like to leave you with this simple message: don't be afraid to be kind to another person.